Hermione Granger is My Heroine

Hermione Granger is My Heroine

May 22, 2017 2 Comments

I’ve spent the last 3 days thinking about what my first post should be about. I have a bunch of things on my mind but I thought that my inaugural post should be something special, something close to my heart… and the pressure kept me from writing for 3 days! My answer came to me in a flash of bushy hair, flawless grades and a right hook to Malfoy’s face. I have at least 50 reasons for admiring everyone’s favourite muggleborn, but I intend on writing many blogposts about her so let’s start slow.

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger’s commitment to education resonates with my soul. This little eleven-year-old girl entered an entirely new, unknown world and she armed herself with knowledge. She did not make friends easily and her muggleborn status gave her a social disadvantage in the eyes of some wizards but she stayed true to who she was and continued to learn and shine academically. If I had to give any advice to young girls, it would be to follow the example of Hermione Granger. She understood and respected the value of education and did not allow teenage social pressures to cloud her judgement. What I like about Hermione’s story is that we get to see that being bookish does not make you undesirable. She did catch the eye of an international sports star after all. (One of the Potterverse subplots I would love to hear more about is the Hermione-Viktor puppylove story.) She proves to young girls that you don’t need to dumb yourself down to be liked. The right people, who respect and accept you, will be a part of your life and the haters can hate from a distance.

Hermione also showed us that compassion for those less fortunate is an important virtue. She only encountered house elves after joining the wizarding world but just a glimpse of the abuse they endured urged her, a fourteen-year-old, to start an elf rights campaign and help creatures that NOBODY advocated for. Hermione was the perfect blend of mind and heart and her commitment to her social duty made her intelligence just that much more admirable.

I would like to point out one more thing about Hermione Granger that truly blows my mind:

Concentrate for a second on just how intelligent Hermione is. She was called the brightest witch of her age… and yet, she was put into Gryffindor house because she is even more brave and loyal than she is intelligent! I cannot even conceive of how brave this girl is. She stayed true to herself, stuck by her friends when their lives were in danger, spoke out for the rights of others and faced terrorists! Hermione Granger is truly phenomenal.

I have the urge to frantically type 10 pages more about why I think Hermione is amazing but I’ll have to save it for another post. Please leave your comments below on your thoughts about Hermione. Thanks!


Sharmini Pillay

Author: Sharmini Pillay
Elf dancing by himself

2 Responses


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December 13, 2020

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