Yoda, a Force-sensitive being belonging to a mysterious species, was a legendary Jedi Master who witnessed the rise and fall of the Galactic Republic, followed by the rise of the Galactic Empire. Small in stature but revered for his wisdom and power, Yoda trained generations of Jedi, ultimately serving as the Grand Master of the Jedi Order. Having lived through nine centuries of galactic history, he played integral roles in the Clone Wars, the rebirth of the Jedi through Luke Skywalker, and unlocking the path to immortality.
This amazing 3D Illusion Lamp is USB/Battery powered and the perfect nightstand lamp for any Star Wars fan. The LED light can be adjusted between seven glowing colours using the touch button on the stand. Colours include, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, White, Purple and Sky Blue. Want the perfect gift? I think you have found it. Approx Dimensions: Acrylic: 200x120x4mm, Base: 80x80x40mm.
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